Everything we cross is something that I would personally run myself and fill rooms with the keepers... with a couple expceptions like this one. I can't lie I'm not a GG4 fan and never have been, it's a big monster yielder and people LOVE GG4, but as a grower it is a pain in the ass to work with and it's not very pretty in flower. Despite this it really is possibly the largest producing plant I've ever worked with and if you love GG4, you will love the Jungle Soirée. Est average Flowering time is 67 days.
Our keepers:
Pleasantly surprised by this gg4 cross. They basically ALL adopted the gg4 nose, which is growing on me. Every seed we ran was frosty, and hearty. We had one spaghetti armed floppy girl, but the rest were notably sturdy. Big yield.